I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in the working group of Manuel Krannich, specialising in the area of Algebraic Topology. Before that, I was a doctoral and postdoctoral researcher at the University of Bonn and the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn, in the working group of Carl-Friedrich Bödigheimer.

My research interests lie in the area of Algebraic and Geometric Topology: more specifically, I am interested in configuration spaces and topological moduli spaces, topological operads and their algebras, factorisation homology, automorphisms of manifolds and manifold bundles, as well as cobordism categories.


  1. F. Kranhold. ‘A stable splitting of factorisation homology of generalised surfaces’. arXiv:2310.07688.
  2. C.-F. Bödigheimer, F. Boes, and F. Kranhold. ‘Computations in the unstable homology of moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces’. arXiv:2209.08148.
  3. A. Bianchi, F. Kranhold, and J. Reinhold. ‘Parametrised moduli spaces of surfaces as infinite loop spaces’. Forum Math. Sigma 10, e39 (2022), arXiv:2105.05772.
  4. F. Kranhold. ‘Configuration spaces of clusters as Ed-algebras’. To appear in Homotopy Homol. Appl., arXiv:2104.02729.
  5. A. Bianchi and F. Kranhold. ‘Vertical configuration spaces and their homology’. Q. J. Math. 73 (4 2022), pp. 1279–1306, arXiv:2103.12137.


Selected talk material

Here you can find handwritten notes or recordings of some talks I have given in the last years, some of them at multiple occasions:
